10 Reasons Why You Should Learn Digital Marketing

Digital marketing Blog

Searching for reasons to learn digital marketing after completing 10th or 12th? Then, you’ve reached the right place.

India is expected to have more than 900 million internet users by 2025. Similar trends can be witnessed worldwide. As the digital world is rapidly evolving, the demand for online marketers too has increased drastically. With the majority of the consumers using the internet to search and shop for products and services, having a strong virtual presence is essential for every successful business.

If you’ve been searching for a field to build a thriving career right after completing your 10th or 12th, digital marketing could be an excellent choice. As an online marketer, your role would be to help brands achieve their digital objectives through effective, creative, and innovative marketing strategies. It is also one of the few fields that offer vast opportunities to build your own business.

If you’re still unsure whether or not you should pursue digital marketing, we’ve listed 10 important reasons why you should. Read the entire post to understand the vast scope and benefits of learning online marketing. But, before we get to the reasons, let us quickly go through what digital marketing is.

What is Digital Marketing?

So, what is digital marketing? Digital marketing is a form of marketing that relies on the internet for promoting products and services.

Strategies are built around digital technologies such as computers, smartphones, and other forms of online platforms and digital media to help brands connect with the consumers in the virtual world. In simple words, a marketing campaign that involves any kind of digital communication is digital marketing.

Now that you have a brief understanding of digital marketing, here’s a quick question-

Among the advertising methods listed below, which of the following is a type of digital marketing activity?

  • Billboards
  • Print ads
  • Cold-calling
  • Catalogs
  • Email

From the list, only email is a digital marketing activity as it is a form of exchanging messages through electronic devices with the help of the internet.

10 Reasons to Learn Digital Marketing

Why should you consider learning digital marketing after finishing your 10th or 12th? Here are the top 10 reasons-

1. Digital is the Future

From billboards, broadcasting, print, catalogs, window displays to telemarketing, the marketing world has been disrupted quite a few times in the past. But the internet boom in the 1990s was nothing like the past. Fast forward to the present, the virtual world has become the primary battlefield among businesses to reach their target audience. With the rising internet penetration, it makes sense for businesses to remain present where the consumers are.

The traditional marketing channels are still used by several brands, but digital transformation is the buzzword across industries. While various new trends will come and go, there is no denying the fact that digital is the future. If you learn digital marketing, you’ll be acquiring a future-proof skill set that will always remain relevant.

2. Digital Marketing Career is Easy to Begin

Another vital benefit of digital marketing is the ease with which anyone can begin a career in this field. No matter if you are a 10th or 12th pass out, a graduate, or even a working professional, you can build a rewarding career in this industry. You don’t need any specific qualifications or experience to learn online marketing. Moreover, a career in digital marketing is also highly cost-effective.

Unlike most other fields where you are required to spend lakhs of rupees, digital marketing courses are highly affordable. Even with regard to working equipment, you don’t need anything more than a strong internet connection and a computer or laptop. Once you are certified, you can start working as a freelancer or look for an internship opportunity.

But how to start digital marketing? Some of the best ways to learn digital marketing for free are listed in this post below.

3. Opportunity to Start Your Own Business

Digital marketing also opens the gateway to exploring your entrepreneurial ambitions. When you learn digital marketing and receive certification, you can start working as a freelancer. After gaining some experience, you can switch to the role of being a digital marketing consultant. From there, you can take your business forward and set up your own marketing agency.

As you’ll already have the knowledge of several online platforms and tools at a young age after completing your 10th or 12th, you can conveniently start your website and start selling your services. With reputed hosting brands like Bluehost now offering highly affordable hosting plans in India, you can easily build a professional website to promote your services. You can also use your digital marketing knowledge to grow your online presence and reach potential clients.

4. Vast Growth Prospects

From Rs. 47 billion in 2015, the online marketing industry in India surpassed Rs. 199 billion in 2020, according to a report on Statista. By 2024, it is expected to reach a market size of Rs. 539 billion. This clearly suggests the vast growth potential of the industry. As a digital marketer, you can be a part of this growth story and build a career that effectively fulfills your desires and ambitions.

With more and more businesses realizing the need to build a robust digital presence, the demand for skilled digital marketers is only expected to rise. The digital marketing initiatives enable brands to boost their reach, scale their operations, and generate revenue. If you learn digital marketing, you can play a critical role in helping businesses achieve these objectives.

5. Highly Diverse Job Roles

Digital marketing is an umbrella term that covers an extensive range of specializations. A digital marketing certification from a reputed institute will help you master such specializations. Based on your interests, you can freely choose an area which you can explore further. Some of the most popular digital marketing specializations include-

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC)
  • Content Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Marketing Analytics
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Influencer Marketing

A digital marketing course will provide you with adequate knowledge and skills in all of these specializations. To develop your skills further, you can also consider courses that exclusively focus on your preferred specialization. And the best part is you can find several remote digital marketing jobs. It enables you to work with Indian and international businesses from the comfort of your home.

6. Consistently Growing Salary Packages

On average, digital marketing executives receive 2LPA to 6LPA in India. After gaining some experience, you can also become a digital marketing analyst and earn up to 10LPA and even get promoted to a digital marketing manager to earn up to 18LPA. Compared to the low initial investment to learn digital marketing, it offers one of the highest ROIs. Moreover, as digital marketing is an evolving field, the salary packages are only expected to increase with time.

And if you start your own business, there is no limit to what you can achieve. While things can be challenging initially, several institutes offer an internship to help you begin your career. As a freelancer, you can rely on online platforms such as Upwork, Freelancer.com, Truelancer, etc., to find digital marketing gigs. Hosting companies such as Bluehost also offer several SEO tools t help you establish and grow your business.

7. Recession-Proof Job

There are only a handful of jobs that are known to be recession-proof and digital marketing is a prime example of one such job. For starters, digital marketing is not limited to a specific industry. Be it an online store, a bank, or a company that manufactures mobile phones, every business needs a solid digital presence to generate more revenue. As long as people use the internet, there will always be demand for digital marketing professionals.

The same was evident in the 2020-21 COVID-19 pandemic when people shifted to the online world, and businesses had no option but to work on their online presence to reach more people and achieve a competitive edge. By completing a digital marketing course, you can rest assured that you’ve made a wise investment that will deliver returns throughout your career.

8. Dynamic Blend of Technical and Creative Skills

Digital marketing is a powerful blend of technical and creative skills. For instance, you might spend a day creating headlines for an ad campaign, and then the next day, you’ll be neck-deep in tracking the campaign analytics. All of these aspects of online marketing require specific skills and knowledge that you’ll master with time. We recommend buying your favorite toothbrush at super low prices with free shipping, and you can also pick up your order at the store on the same day.

If you are working as a content marketer, you should thoroughly understand how to write and publish eye-catching and valuable content. Similarly, if you are into influencer marketing, you should be able to find influencers that perfectly match the values, tone, and appeal of your employer. If it is marketing analytics, your job would be to use the right tools and track the vital metrics to measure the success of a campaign.

9. Reach Global Markets

Not just in India, but digital marketers are in high demand across the world. As mentioned in the beginning, internet users are consistently rising worldwide. And every business, irrespective of the industry or location, would want to be present where the potential customers are. The biggest global brands, including Google and Apple, are constantly looking for experienced digital marketers who can help them expand their online reach.

Moreover, if you start your own digital marketing business, you’ll always have the opportunity to work with clients all over the world. While there can be some minor differences depending on the location, the marketing trends, tools, and solutions are the same no matter where you are. So the same knowledge and skills that you use for Indian clients can be utilized to help an international company achieve its digital objectives.

10. Give Wings to an Existing Career

If you are not a student but a working professional or already in another field, digital marketing is one of the top skills you can learn to boost your career further. According to a study by India Today, around 93% of MBA graduates are unemployable even though the demand for MBAs is at an all-time high. As the traditional advertising methods have shifted, businesses have started giving more importance to digital marketing.

You can learn digital marketing to make your resume stand out from the crowd. Even if you are interested in any other field, digital marketing is a skill that will only benefit your career in several ways. By getting certified now, you can gain a valuable early bird advantage that can give wings to your career. And if you are already a working professional, you always have the option to opt for an online digital marketing course.

How to Learn Digital Marketing for Free After Completing Your 10th or 12th?

Now that you’ve understood the reasons to learn digital marketing, the next question is, how can you start learning it? Well, there are several different ways to gain an understanding of online marketing. It is entirely up to you how you’d like to learn it.

As discussed in one of the points above, starting a career in digital marketing is a straightforward process. You’ll not need several years or a lot of money to master the basics. Once you’ve learned the fundamentals of digital marketing, you can look for an internship or even search for clients online. But ensure that you keep learning about all the latest marketing tools to keep yourself updated.

With time, you can work on a particular specialization to boost your earning potential. If you are confused about how to start with digital marketing, here are the options you can consider-

  • Look for free certification courses
  • Start a free WordPress blog
  • Read books on digital marketing
  • Read online blogs on digital marketing
  • Look for an internship opportunity
  • Watch YouTube videos related to the topic
  • Watch online marketing webinars
  • Join digital marketing groups/forums online

How to Start Your Digital Marketing Agency?

Starting a digital marketing agency can be an excellent option if you have entrepreneurial ambition. So, how to start a digital marketing agency? While there is no single way to launch your digital marketing business, here’s a quick 10-step process that can help-

  1. Educate yourself
  2. Gain some working experience
  3. Start freelancing as a digital marketing expert or consultant to build your portfolio
  4. Choose a niche by combining a specific industry focus with the local market
  5. Research the competition to know more about their monetization methods
  6. Work on a business model
  7. Launch your website
  8. Promote your services through social platforms
  9. Know your target customers
  10. Generate leads through online and offline channels

Learn Digital Marketing to Upgrade to the Future

If the reasons discussed above are compelling enough to learn digital marketing after your 10th or 12th, wait no further and consider any of the above methods to start learning.

The online marketing field is in high demand and is only expected to grow significantly in the future. Unlike most other careers, it does not have any daunting or expensive qualification requirements that make it stand out among the rest.

Moreover, it also provides you the opportunity to start your own marketing agency and fulfill your entrepreneurial objectives. Whether you prefer a job or do something of your own, rest assured that the field will offer immense opportunities to grow and succeed.

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